Case Study:
Complex EDM Challenge

Exact precision. Tolerance: 5µm
High value and challenging material
Complex component with short timescale
High-temperature application


A precision job with a high-cost material

Our client approached us to manufacture a complex, high-precision Inconel part for use in a specialist valve in a high-temperature application. Not only were we required to work with an expensive metal that was difficult to machine, but we also needed to work to an accuracy of 5µm and do so on short timescales.


Wire erosion for high accuracy

Wire erosion provided the accuracy and finish needed and could cope with the demands of Inconel. Our team used EDM (electrical discharge machining) wire erosion to create an immensely precise set of grids with very tight, minimal axis squares that would have been impossible to achieve with a machining process.


Despite the tight timeframe and the complexity of the machining, we delivered the part “right first time”, enabling our client to deliver on their commitments.

Using EDM for this project allowed us to engineer to a very tight tolerance with a challenging material.

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